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Powerful Market AI Zeroes In On The Bloated Carcasses Of Over Pumped Tech Stocks And Picks Their Bones Clean

If You Had Access To These “Scavenger Signals” In Mid November…

You Could Have Stuffed Your Account With Gains Of 166% on $APPL, 241% on $MU, 340% on $GOOG In Under 1 Hour!

Watch For New “Scavenger Signals” Between Jan 1 and March 31 2023…
And You Could Make Back Every Penny You Lost In 2022 In Just A Matter Of Weeks

Presented by: J.R. Jaén at Market Surveillance Alliance

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How A “Vulture Vector” Signal Zeroes In On Easy Pickings In Massively Overvalued Tech Stocks…

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In less than 3 weeks in October 2022 alone, this robust Market Surveillance Technology has closed out 125% on Visa and 204.55% on Marathon Digital Holdings in just 24 hours. And, it gets better from there because in November:
A 210% move in Sea Limited in less than 24 hours
100% on Alphabet in just 6 hours
320% on in only 2 weeks
And a ridiculous 720% on Halliburton Company in 30 days calendar
IMPORTANT!!! Make sure you include your mobile number to receive an SMS reminder and I will send you the #1 Market Surveillance trade I’ve discovered that could return 100% or more in just a few days.
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