[Surveillance] Capitalism

December 8, 2022
¡Viva América! No. 0002: Intel is about to Time travel back to 1997

We all feel it in our bones; inflation peaked and the Federal Reserved did not receive the memo.

The fear narrative the media will induce in your veins during 2023 is about the US labour market.

You must get ready and manage the capital you have to survive and thrive during the rest of the decade.

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December 7, 2022
¡Viva América! No. 0001: Tim Cook is the new American Hero

Summary: Not today, Not tomorrow; still, at some point, Xi Jinping will take action, and Taiwan will be his target. Today in Viva América episode No. 0001, I discuss how Warren Buffett saves the day (again) and protects one of his most significant investments; Apple. Watch and Learn how, together, we can figure out where […]

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December 5, 2022
The only game in town is called; USA Stocks

If you may, please write down that word; demographic. It answers many cycles you know and probably experienced in your lifetime.

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November 7, 2022
Wall Street Journal versus Facebook [META]

Summary: another example of Financial Fake News took place more than 15 hours ago when the old good Wall Street Journal published a piece where they broadcasted to the world how Facebook was about to start Large-Scale layoffs. And if you are a retail trader or if you are a long-term investor:What do you think […]

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